Running Java jar file as Auto Restarting Service on Linux

Running “java -jar YOURjarfile.jar” will of course start a jar on your linux machine, but it will stop running once you disconnect your ssh session for instance. So you do need to run your jar file in the background. Pierre Janineh described a way to achieve this goal: %[] Another approach is obviously to run your jar “as a service” via systemd. If you ensure that this service will auto restart in case of a failure or after reboot, you Java application will again restart magically and automatically. ...

August 26, 2022 · 2 min

Tracking Open Connections of Services on Linux

In almost every programming language, you can quickly run into problems that the app establishes connections but never closes them. Some programming languages ​​” automatically” close unused connections, and this sometimes works better, sometimes worse. It is good practice to monitor if the “promises” of the vendors do work. Such open connections (I/O, databases, net/HTTP requests, etc.) accumulate over time until there are no more free connections. Boom, in simple words: the app stopped working. The annoying thing is that the app may not crash (depending on your error handling!), it just often can’t establish new connections and doesn’t work as expected. ...

July 3, 2022 · 2 min

Automatically Renewing Your Certificates

Now that you have built your secure Linux Server for Xojo Web 2, you might run into issues around 90 days latest! Introduction Why? Because your certificates will expire. We installed let’s encrypt free of cost certificates. They are a tremendous relief, but they need renewal every 89 days latest. On a side note: I got some replies that I’m not profoundly diving into the certificate’s topic or how to use an editor on Linux (yes, “vim” is not the easiest one — try “nano” for instance). The above article proved to work for a couple of people without any issues, which was the purpose. Of course, you have to do your homework, and for a deep dive into some topics, you have to learn those skills. ...

February 7, 2021 · 3 min

How To Build a Linux Server for Xojo Web 2

With Xojo Web 2, it becomes relatively easy to set up a Server and run your first App. You would not even need your own webserver as a Xojo Web 2 App has built-in its own. But in today’s world, running a Web app is one thing; running it securely is a different story. This beginner’s guide aims to enable you to run your first App in no time. What we will achieve in this tutorial: ...

February 5, 2021 · 14 min

How To Build an SSH Connection from macOS to Linux

Well, there are many reasons why it is cool having the possibility to connect remotely to another server. You’ll need such an option for a secure connection to your remote server to upload files and make changes on your server. But perhaps you are running a remote Database on an external server, and then again, an SSH connection is a must (at least if you want to run things securely). ...

February 5, 2021 · 3 min