The Cross Platform Development Paradoxon

For decades, it sounds promising to have ONE code base and to be able to use it for many platforms without having to reinvent the wheel every time. Is it really as easy, as clicking a button and to compile for all platforms? Java, Xojo, LiveCode, PureBasic, B4X, windev are only a few examples. Add to that mix, flutter,, Xamarin, and .NET MAUI. Many, many options, some for decades, some relatively new, and many with challenges when trying to develop something more sophisticated. ...

February 16, 2023 · 6 min

Running Java jar file as Auto Restarting Service on Linux

Running “java -jar YOURjarfile.jar” will of course start a jar on your linux machine, but it will stop running once you disconnect your ssh session for instance. So you do need to run your jar file in the background. Pierre Janineh described a way to achieve this goal: %[] Another approach is obviously to run your jar “as a service” via systemd. If you ensure that this service will auto restart in case of a failure or after reboot, you Java application will again restart magically and automatically. ...

August 26, 2022 · 2 min